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Nov. 27 2023

Monday 11/27/23 New York Philharmonic

By WBJC Programming | Posted in WBJC Evening Concert | Comments Off on Monday 11/27/23 New York Philharmonic

11:00 PM

CONDUCTOR:            Alan Gilbert

SOLOIST:                    Anne-Sofie von Otter, mezzo-soprano


Franz Joseph HAYDN: Symphony No. 88 in G-major


TCHAIKOVSKY:        Fantasy-Overture, Romeo and Juliet


Franz SCHUBERT:      Six Orchestrated Songs:

Die Forelle (The Trout), D.550

Gretchen am Spinnrade (Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel), D.118

Im Abendrot (In Evening’s Glow), D.799

Gesang “An Silvia” (Song “To Sylvia”), D.891

Nacht und Träume (Night and Dreams), D.827

Erlkönig (Elf King), D.328


Sergei PROKOFIEV:    Symphony No. 5


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