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Feb. 21 2024

Winter Pledge Drive 2024!

By Diana Ross | Posted in Membership, WBJC News | Comments Off on Winter Pledge Drive 2024!

It’s time for WBJC’s Winter Pledge Drive! This is our first drive of the calendar year (second drive of our fiscal year) and this will be short and sweet… just three days. We have a financial goal of $100k, but what we REALLY need is for new members to join the ranks.

Renewing and sustainer members are the lifeblood of WBJC and keep us playing the music that YOU love. But members move away, experience financial changes, or sadly pass away… and adding new members to the roster keeps us financially healthy.

There is no minimum to become a member. If you think your level of support won’t matter in the bigger picture, let me assure you that is NOT the case! Think of all the grains of sand that make up the beach, or all the individual notes that compose a symphony. Together you are mighty!

Now you could subscribe to Pandora or Spotify for $6 to $20 monthly and get classical music without any real information about the middle movement of a symphony just randomly played by itself… OR with WBJC, you get a curated playlist made by hosts who are passionate about this music, and have decades of knowledge to share about the works they play.

And we literally give that away for FREE.

If this station is something you enjoy; something you rely on; something that keeps you company; or just keeps you sane, we’d love to count you as a supporting member today!

Call us at 410-585-0123 or click the blue DONATE button at the top of this page.

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Diana Ross is not the famous Supremes singer, but she does have big hair. Working in both Membership and Operations departments, she does a little bit of everything, including administering this website. You can contact her at dross@bccc.edu.

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