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May. 24 2024

Spring Pledge Drive Success!

By Diana Ross | Posted in Membership, WBJC News | Comments Off on Spring Pledge Drive Success!

Thank you each and everyone who made our last drive of Fiscal Year 24 a resounding success!

From the people who gave during the Drive, the Buyback donors in the weeks before who shortened the pitching, the volunteers who answered the phones, the food donors (and the hard work of Jennifer LaFleur to get that food to us), the Challengers who put up matching funds to motivate others, the building facilities crew who made sure we didn’t sweat to death in Pledge Central, to the WBJC staff who (whether on-air or behind the scenes) all work tirelessly to make these campaigns and this station a success… My hat goes off to all of you. I don’t think there is ever a pledge drive that goes by that I’m not in awe of how everyone works towards this singular goal… to keep classical music on the air in Baltimore and beyond!

Here are the numbers:

387 pledges
38% were online pledges!

64 new members (and another 11 from the Buyback)
59 lapsed members who rejoined (and another 97 from the Buyback!)

$124,959 Spring Buyback ($120k goal)
$18,750 Challenge dollars
$68,381 Pledge Drive ($65k goal)


We are all truly grateful to all of you!

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Diana Ross is not the famous Supremes singer, but she does have big hair. Working in both Membership and Operations departments, she does a little bit of everything, including administering this website. You can contact her at dross@bccc.edu.

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