Giving Thanks…
Of course, Thanksgiving, a uniquely American holiday ( I hear they also have a Thanksgiving in Canada), is a day when we should all reflect on the blessings we all enjoy. Well, we shouldn’t wait for the last Thursday in November to do that. Too many of us (myself included) think more about the setbacks in our lives than the things we take for granted that, in many other countries in the world, are little more than pipe dreams. In some countries, people have to travel through war zones to cast a vote in a local election. Here, people won’t go out to vote if it’s raining. That’s just one example. Yes, there are plenty of setbacks in life, but when they happen, try to imagine if there is someone in the world who has it worse. Probably won’t be hard. Oh, a little self-pity is OK, but just a little. It could always be worse. We all have something to be thankful for every day.