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Sep. 25 2016

Choral Hour 9-25-16

By Kati Harrison | Posted in Host Blogs, WBJC Choral Hour | Comments Off on Choral Hour 9-25-16

Thanks for your financial contribution during WBJC’s fall fund drive!  You make classical and choral music happen on this radio station!
8:00 AM
Charles Gounod                St. Cecilia Mass                        Angel/EMI  47094
COND Georges Pretre
ORCH Radio France Philharmonic Orch
SOLO and Chorus
SOLO Barbara Hendricks, soprano
SOLO Laurence Dale, tenor
SOLO Jean-Philippe LaFont, baritone

8:49 AM
Johann Sebastian Bach         Cantata 67:         Teldec     242571
COND Gustav Leonhardt
ORCH Leonhardt-Consort

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Kati is WBJC's Operations Director and weekend host. Her full bio can be read here.

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